Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Don't show me this again

Penny Dreadful Saturdays is in 11 hours, 19 minutes.

Data Tornei Lega

Penny Dreadful Saturdays


League May 2024


APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays


Penny Dreadful Sundays


Penny Dreadful Mondays


Penny Dreadful Thursdays


Penny Dreadful FNM


There are six weekly Penny Dreadful tournaments hosted on They are all free to enter and some offer prizes from Cardhoarder. Be sure to also check out the league for a play-when-you-like competition.

Ogni serie di tornei ha una classifica.

The second Penny Dreadful Saturdays of each season is replaced by The Season Kick Off with prizes to 32nd place.

The last Penny Dreadful Saturdays of each season is replaced by The Penny Dreadful 500 high-stakes tournament.

Partecipare ad un Torneo

Number of Rounds

Players Swiss Knockout
2 0 1 (single match)
3-7 3 0 (swiss only)
8 3 2 (top 4)
9-15 4 2
16-31 4 3 (top 8)
32+ 5 3


Finish Prize
1st 4 tix
2nd 3 tix
3rd–4th 2 tix
5th–8th 1 tix

Prizes from our sponsor Cardhoarder in credit. Prizes will be credited within a few days of the Friday following the tournament. After that the credit will appear when you trade with one of their bots on Magic Online and on their website.

Magic Online Bugs

E' permesso giocare carte con bug noti in Penny Dreadful a condizioni specifiche.

Le regole importanti sono:

  • Do not play cards with game-breaking bugs (exception: cards that are not bugged in two player games).
  • Guadagnare un vantaggio tramite un bug risulterà in una perdita. Il giocatore che utilizza la carta buggata dovrebbe concedere la partita e incominciarne una nuova (se ne rimangono da giocare altre).
  • Utilizzare un bug a proprio vantaggio intenzionalmente risulterà nella squalificazione.
  • Only the player playing a bugged card can ever receive a penalty relating to that card.
  • Your opponents have no obligation to accomodate your bugged cards and cannot be penalized for not doing so.
  • La decisione dell'Organizzatore del Torneo è quella finale.

Note for examples: Living Lore used to have a bug whereby it would count double the (combined) CMC of a split card when imprinted.

Example of Game Loss: Playing Living Lore with two cards in graveyard and opponent removes one at instant speed with a card from their hand forcing the Living Lore player to imprint a split card.

Second example of Game Loss: Playing Profane Command using the mode that targets an opponent. Opponent plays Gilded Light in response.

Example of Disqualification: Playing Living Lore and intentionally choosing a split card from a stocked graveyard to get an oversized Living Lore.

In the case where an undocumented bugged interaction only becomes known during a competitive match, at the Tournament Organizer's discretion, a game loss or match loss may be imposed rather than a disqualification.

The game loss should be enacted by the bugged cards controller conceding the game.

Any confusion should be discussed with the Tournament Organizer before conceding the game or ending the match, on the bugged card player's clock.

Quando incontri un bug per la prima volta (non presente su durante una partita competitiva, entrambi i giocatori possono accordarsi per continuare a giocare.

Se entrambi i giocatori non sono d'accordo, il proprietario della carta che causa problemi deve sostituirla nella decklist (può cambiare solo quella carta) e ricominciare l'incontro. I giocatori devono poi concedere sino a che il numero di partite vinte da entrambi sia uguale a quello prima della partita con il bug. Si può effettuare Sideboarding se non è la prima partita del match e infine si continua a giocare.

Per quanto riguarda tutto questo, l'Organizzatore del Torneo ha la possibilità di decidere cosa sia giusto e la sua decisione è finale.

Lista delle carte che causano bug conosciute

Altre Regole

If a player starts a sideboarded game with less than 60 cards (quite possible due to a known Magic Online bug) and either player notices before the end of turn 2 and the player with a legal deck wants to restart the game, the game will be restarted. The result of any game played beyond turn 2 with less than 60 cards in maindeck will stand.

Ogni match ha una durata massima di 25 minuti.

Matches must Allow Watchers so the PDBot can join them.

A player may not play games under more than one account in a Penny Dreadful tournament.

Please do not double queue Penny Dreadful tournaments with other tournaments nor double queue in the league.

Spectating other matches is allowed – do not write anything in chat except !record.

Solo i giocatori che completano il torneo riceveranno i premi.

Because of a bug removing all stops is not allowed.

You may only enter a given tournament once (either on the same account or multiple accounts).

Penny Dreadful tournaments follow official Magic Online tournament rules and do not allow draws, unlike some other player-run events.

Dropping from the tournament in the elimination rounds will result in the forfeit of your next match.

If a player realizes they have the wrong deck before the match begins they should take a screenshot of their opening hand as proof. Fix the deck and recreate the match. The player who had the wrong deck must give the choice of play or draw to their opponent.

If a player (or PDBot) realizes they have the wrong deck mid-game they receive a game loss for that game. The match should be recreated with the right deck and games conceded to get the match into the right state.